Swift implementation of quick-sort algorithm, choosing the right end item as pivot.

func quicksort(inout arr: [Int], left: Int, right: Int) {
    if left < right {
        var p = partion(&arr, left, right)
        quicksort(&arr, left, p - 1)
        quicksort(&arr, p + 1, right)

func swap(inout arr: [Int], a: Int, b: Int) {
    var temp = arr[a]
    arr[a] = arr[b]
    arr[b] = temp

func partion(inout arr: [Int], left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
    var pivotValue = arr[right]
    var storeIndex = left
    for i in left..<right {
        if arr[i] < pivotValue {
            swap(&arr, i, storeIndex)
            storeIndex += 1
    swap(&arr, storeIndex, right)
    return storeIndex

var test = [1, 3, 2, 5, 4]
quicksort(&test, 0, 4)

The code above is only for type Int. Swift also support generic type like template in C++ does.

func quicksort<T: Comparable>(inout arr: [T], left: Int, right: Int) {
    if left < right {
        var p = partion(&arr, left, right)
        quicksort(&arr, left, p - 1)
        quicksort(&arr, p + 1, right)

func swap<T>(inout arr: [T], a: Int, b: Int) {
    var temp = arr[a]
    arr[a] = arr[b]
    arr[b] = temp

func partion<T: Comparable>(inout arr: [T], left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
    var pivotValue = arr[right]
    var storeIndex = left
    for i in left..<right {
        if arr[i] < pivotValue {
            swap(&arr, i, storeIndex)
            storeIndex += 1
    swap(&arr, storeIndex, right)
    return storeIndex

var test = [1, 3, 2, 5, 4]
quicksort(&test, 0, 4)

var test_strs = ["a", "c", "b", "e", "d"]
quicksort(&test_strs, 0, 4)

Notice that we used Comparable for the generic type T. It is because the partion function compared the items. Swift have to make sure the input is comparable. See http://nshipster.com/swift-comparison-protocols/